What is demiromantic?

Those who are demiromantic are not able to develop romantic feelings towards another until they have a deep emotional connection or bond

more resources here


How do requests work?

You can dm me a character with preferred image or fill out the form here! Every character requested the flag will be color picked from the image but if not possible i wont, or if preferred not to. If you dm you will be asked the same questions from the form!

“here” is a link ^


Request rules

No real people (fictional only), no dsmp, unproblematic fictional minecraft media is okay to req, i can refuse any reqs with or without explanation, request by dm or google form



Basic dni criteria (lgbtqphobic, racists, etc.), terfs, NSFW accs, proshippers, dsmp fans/supporters of any of the problematic creators, fujoshis, you post ab discourse often, shtwt/edtwt

Please respect me.


About the mod

hii! im the only mod atm and probs the only one that will stay running the acc!
im transmasc, agender, abrosexual, and demiromantic! keep in mind i am a minor
i also usually need tone tags since i cannot tell tone, idm if you dont use them for me but dont get mad if i read the tone wrong
